It Ain't Easy Spinning Green
I'll be playing music in the key of green at MÁNÁS gallery in Chico this Friday night as part of the open entry exhibition. Despite the augmented color spectrum, expect to hear a full auditory spectrum of sounds and music, plus other folks will be likely singing, reciting poetry, and raising a ruckus. Come on out! Details: " This will usher in the 4th main Color of our beloved spiraling spectrum here on planet earth. Celebrate GREEN with us. See some amazing ORIGINAL ARTWORK by the people you know love and are. There will be an open mic for Green stories, pomes, songs and general sharing, don't be shy! PLEASE SHARE we want to hear :) special guest DJ Peter DiFalco! refreshments SPLIT PEA SOUP and MUCH MORE WEAR GREEN WIN A PRIZE TELL A GREEN JOKE WIN 2 DRESS UP LIKE KERMIT THE FROG WIN 3!!! SEE YOU THERE" You can see who's going at the Facebook Event page . Bonus Here's an artist's rendering of me as a muppet: ...