DiscoEx Archive: Disco Ex Machina Taking to the Airwaves Tonight!

Tune in  to Disco Ex Machina Radio on Wednesdays from 9pm to Midnight, Pacific Time @KCSCradio.com, Chico State’s 51-year old student-operated radio station!

It’s not without good reason that I have neglected this blog in the last 6 months - I think I’ve mentioned the new radio studios that I’ve been involved in designing and building. Well, at long last it’s time to put the rubber to the road, and the Disco Ex Machina internet radio show is happening!

What to expect?

I’ll be playing the type of music that we’ve been talking about here on discoex - from funk to techno and all stops in between. Plus, every week I’ll do an audio blogroll where I’ll present some of the great material that I’m listening to on other blogs, with full credit given. Listen up and you’ll discover some sources of incredible music, journalism and taste.

There’s a request line, and it’s 530-898-6228. Of course, I might not have what you’re asking for until the following week, but it never hurts to ask.

If you miss the show, check back on the blog for weekly excerpts, which will likely become a hearty staple of our podcast meal. Eventually I hope to have a full RSS Podcast feed dedicated to the last 2 weeks of the radio show available for listeners, but we’re starting from scratch here with an all-new broadcasting system, all-new studios, all new everything.

I’ve been holding my breath for so long hoping this would start up well - and for now, I only have 2 weeks scheduled because KCSC operates on a school schedule, but there’s a good chance we’ll push right past and just keep it going.

Thanks for tuning in! Comments always welcome.

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