DiscoEx Archive: Threesie - The Booty Has Landed

We're at the end of a 3-part journey into the land of pirate treasure. And
as we open the treasure chest full of bounce, we find the three more important
cities in modern booty: Detroit, Baltimore, and Rio de Janeiro. Three cities
connected by economic circumstance, long musical traditions, urban decay, love
of a good party, and violent pedigree, leaving their indelible marks upon sweaty
asses from Amsterdam to Capetown:
Download this svelte, 7MB threesie right here.
Malha Funk -
Nova Dança

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The ghettos of Rio have the best views; built upon hillsides too step for roads, these homemade- blah, blah blah, you've seen City of God and Bus 174 and Black Orpheus and you're down with Nacao Zumbi. This is the sound of the favela parties, the "funk balls" (isn't that uncomfortable?). By the way, they pronounce words ending in "k" a little differently, so it's really called baile fonkee. It can be repetetive, low-fi, completely resampled, annoying (there I said it) and feature samples of Pikachu but it can also have this crunchy breakbeat / electro / tribal sound that only someplace hot and sexy could come with. Longtime resident of the south continent Uwe Schmidt aka Atom Heart / Los Samplers (and many more) has collected a new anthology of contemporary home-grown South American electronic music and this track comes from a sampler 12" of that album.
Detroit Grand Pubahs -
One Hump or Two

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Easily my favorite Detroit purveyors of the techno-funk, Detroit Grand Pubahs have released two great albums that should be owned by anyone who wonders what Funkadelic would have become if they hadn't burned out and/or cleaned up. This is raw Motor City stuff: sexual and hilarious, deep and funky. You may have heard their first big single "Sandwiches" - well they're no one-hit wonder. This is a criminally overlooked track from their first album, the crucial "Funk All Y'all" on Intuit Solar; their newer album and singles are on one of the best funky tech-house labels, Poker Flat (Steve Bug's label).
Disco D -
Let's Hug It Out Bitch

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One of the official Detroit ghetto-tech pioneers (along with DJ Godfather and DJ Assault), Disco D is here representing his own take on the sound of Baltimore Club, aka B-More Breaks. The distinction lies in the way that the music uses not just drum machines but a very small snippet of a breakbeat, and B-More Breaks have a huge affinity for two breaks in particular: Gaz's "Sing Sing" and the Lyn Collins [RIP] "Think" break. I have to say that most Baltimore Club tracks don't really work outside of their intended setting, so I don't own too much of it. Oh, and the samples in this track are from the HBO show "Entourage" so congrats to the pop culture whores out there who got it. I had to look it up, myself.

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