DiscoEx Archive: Interviews Are Much Funnier When They're in French First

I've grown accustomed to searching through little boxes that were once kanji and katakana characters for information about obscure releases; I'm adept at "reading" what I need to of spanish or german websites to come up with the info I'm seeking, and I've come to the conclusion that they talk and write about forward-thinking electronic music a lot more in Europe than we do in the US, though we do have a few fine magazines that give us what we need.

I found this french site called WSound with an absolute wealth of fantastic stories and interviews with varied electronic artists. It's great fun reading it through the google translator. For instance, here's Maurice Fulton, translated from english to french by a human then back to english by machine, explaining why his music is "circular and triangular" (??):

"As all that I do. I smoke so much of skunk that could not be differently."

Other interviewees include "Punk Daft", Charles Webster, "Subway Area", David Mancuso…
Other foreign-language music/culture sites which deserve the google translator treatment?

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