Logan 5 Live at Bassmint Chico - August 19, 2016

Feeling really grateful to have been able to play for the Bassmint Chico party a second time this summer. BassMint recently celebrated 5 years of showcasing bass music sounds with world class headliners in Chico every week, and the residents Eye-Re-Eyes, A.L.O. and Billy Robot deserve huge kudos for bringing their vision to life. The party's vibe is tight-knit and the sound absolutely on point, so I brought some low end glitch to my usually funky sound for this event. I've put the early and late sets from the night together here to create a well-rounded listening experience. Download MP3 Playlist Last Magpie - Initial (Original Mix) Four Tet - The Reservoir Feynman, Andre Sobota - Smoke DearNo - Dango Rone - Planet Zoo DJ Oil - Rain (Radioacive Man Remix) Last Magpie - Roots V.I.P. (Original Mix) Alfred English - Air Grid Si Begg - From My Laptop 2015 Bruno Furlan - High Sec (Original) Rioux - Cold Sweat Mickey Moonlight - Close to Everything (The Mart...